I was talking to an old friend the other night, and we were saying that both of us struggle with wanting something different than what we have all the time. For example, when you're home, wanting to be in school, but once you get to school, wanting to go back home. You get the picture. I think it's interesting that we seem to want to be everywhere EXCEPT where God has put us. It's sad really, because I've realized how much I've missed as I'm wanting to be elsewhere. I'm going off to Elim Bible Institute this fall, and in the beginning of this summer, I wanted summer to fly by so I could just get there. I felt so ready to be out of here. So ready to grow up and move on in life. But as I think about it now, it seems so silly. Life is so much sweeter when you savor every moment. Even the little things can be great things if I take time to notice them. Instead of looking ahead to my future all the time, I'm learning to just enjoy being who I am, where I am, right now. After all, God put me here. Doesn't that mean it's the best place for me and also the place I will be blessed the most? Why would I ever trade that? So as this summer is flying by, I'm learning to enjoy the little things. I'm realizing what beautiful place I live in, what a great family I have, what I great church I go to, and what great friends I have right where I am. There's no better place for me to be.
There's been so many "little" blessings this summer. It's funny how God cares about the little things. Lately I feel like He wants me to get involved in more hardcore outdoorsy things, like surfing, hiking, running, biking, and maybe some rock climbing. It just makes me smile that He wants me to do the things I enjoy, even if it seems unimportant to me. So as I've decided to pursue some of these things, my cousin (the one on the left in the picture) came to visit this weekend and brought me a brand new pair of running sneakers! Ironic? God never ceases to make me laugh or smile! Part of His little blessings was my cousin visiting me. It's so nice to have someone my age in the family who loves the Lord like I do. I feel like it gives me a boost spiritually. We just had such an amazing weekend together, and I feel like I learned a bit more about who God is through her. She also made me appreciate what I have here more. She kept saying how beautiful it is here. As she kept saying it I found myself thinking, "Wow, she's so right. I live in an amazing place!" Sometimes it's good to see things from a person on the outside looking in. We forget how much we have! I've added some pictures of places near me.
I just encourage whoever may read this to not feel as though you're "waiting for life to begin." That's not how it should be. God puts us wherever we are for a reason and He has a plan for us there. Don't wish for something other than what God has given you. There's a reason He didn't give you what you want. Even if you have a hard time seeing His blessings, they are there. Ask Him to show Himself to you in the little things. He will. He is faithful. He also knows how important His encouragement is. Enjoy every moment. Savor it. Hold unto every moment and blessing as long as you can until it's time to let go of it. Take in as many blessings as you can in this life. There's no better place for you than where you are right now.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Feeling Young Again.
Hello again! So I decided to share what's been happening in my life lately. For those of you who don't know, about three months ago I broke up with my boyfriend of two years. Not because he was a bad boyfriend, but simply because God was calling us in different directions. This has probably been the most hard, painful, confusing, wonderful, exciting time of my life. At first it was difficult, but God was faithful to surround me with friends who were there when I needed them. It seemed like God was taking care of everything and I finally felt as though I was moving on. It was still hard at times of course because not only was my boyfriend a great boyfriend, he has become one of the best friends I ever had. So not being able to talk to him was, at times, very painful. But still, everything was going the way I expected it to. I was soaring in my relationship with God, I had made a ton of new friends, and life was good. Then God threw me for a loop I was not expecting. My ex boyfriend and a close friend of mine starting dating. Let me say first of all that my friend had been talking to me about this for awhile and was very sensitive and loving through it all. I don't want anyone thinking I have a jerky friend cause it's not true at all. Anyways...letting go of him as a boyfriend was one thing, but realizing he was with someone I knew was quite another. I struggled with anger and hurt and it just wasn't a good time. As I talked to God about it, I realized that He was allowing this. I was angry at Him that He was, but He was! I couldn't believe that God would ask me to let go of someone I cared so much about, and then expect me to watch him with my friend and be okay with it. As I prayed and prayed about this, God showed me that if I had an issue with this, I hadn't truly let go. I hadn't totally given Him the situation. And I also realized my friend was extremely sensitive and careful around me about mentioning it. I'm so grateful to her. She has been so sensitive to put herself in my shoes and make sure she's not hurting me. God had blessed me with a great friend and I realized it wasn't worth it to be angry. I had no right to be angry. I let him go. I gave the situation to God. I also realized I hadn't forgiven myself for hurting the him. Even though I did the right thing, I held myself accountable for all the hurt I caused him. I knew that I crushed him, and there's nothing worse than knowing you can't comfort someone you love because you're the one who hurt him. So recently I have given all this to God and I've had such a freedom! I feel like a child again. I don't care what anyone thinks and I'm so happy being single right now. Sure, I want to be pursued every now and then, but God is teaching me to let Him be the pursuer. I'm learning to love God in a whole new way. It's crazy how different I am now. I really feel like a little kid again. I just feel like I can run and play and sing and dance and not care what anyone thinks. I'm no longer trying to impress anyone because my future husband is going to love who I am and will think I'm the most beautiful thing even if my hair is all messy and I have dirt on my feet and I'm not wearing makeup. I want him to love me just as I am, and I'm not going to settle for someone who wants to change me. Thinking like this is so so soooo freeing. If there are any girls reading this, please know that if you have to change yourself for a guy to love you or approve of you, he's not the right one for you. God matches us perfectly, and a relationship shouldn't be a constant uphill battle. This is probably one of the biggest lessons I've learned through all of this. If you're dating someone and you're both pulling at each other constantly, and have to fight to keep the relationship alive, it's most likely not meant to be. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you're in God's will, it shouldn't feel like you're straining all the time. God says "My yoke is easy and My burden is light." That doesn't mean there won't be hard times, but there should be rest in the midst of it all. I have found that rest. I'm sure I'm going to get hit with really really hard times, but as long as God is my refuge, I know I'll be just fine....no...more than fine. My life is an adventure and I can't wait to see what's around the next bend. I can't wait to see what God has in store. I know that it's gonna be wild. I'm just so happy with life right now. Just know that whatever you're going through, God can and will work it out for good if you give it to Him.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
To Blog or Not to Blog
So I don't have that much time this morning and I was going to hold off on writing my first blog, but I was a little over anxious. I'm not quite sure if I have much to share with you. I really hope that this new blog is not boring or dull in any way. I wanted a place I could share my adventures with God with other people. I feel like He has taught me a lot over the years, and I would like to share it with you.
I should probably tell you a bit about myself before I share anything else. I'm Kelsey. Over the years I've fallen more in love with God every day. He has been the closest friend to me when I felt I had none. He has saved me from so much fear and anxiety and worry. There is no one I love more. I feel a call on my heart to go into ministry. I believe worship leading is one ministry, but I also know I have a heart for the nations and for street evangelism. For a very long time God has stirred a desire in my heart not to be like a "normal" Christian, but a fool for Christ. I don't want to just be known for being a really nice person, I want to be known for not caring what anyone thinks, except God. I want to be radical, and I hope everyday I am getting closer to that. It is hard for me because I am unsure of myself and I'm shy and quite often socially awkward, but one thing I'm sure of more every day is the strength Christ holds within me. I think even though I'm a small, insignificant person, God can use me, and all of us. I can make a difference. I'm just learning how to.
So I am hoping to share with you my experiences, my failures and my growing experience with God, and I hope and pray that it can be an encouragement to you. I will post again soon. Sorry this is so short. Thank you for reading!
I should probably tell you a bit about myself before I share anything else. I'm Kelsey. Over the years I've fallen more in love with God every day. He has been the closest friend to me when I felt I had none. He has saved me from so much fear and anxiety and worry. There is no one I love more. I feel a call on my heart to go into ministry. I believe worship leading is one ministry, but I also know I have a heart for the nations and for street evangelism. For a very long time God has stirred a desire in my heart not to be like a "normal" Christian, but a fool for Christ. I don't want to just be known for being a really nice person, I want to be known for not caring what anyone thinks, except God. I want to be radical, and I hope everyday I am getting closer to that. It is hard for me because I am unsure of myself and I'm shy and quite often socially awkward, but one thing I'm sure of more every day is the strength Christ holds within me. I think even though I'm a small, insignificant person, God can use me, and all of us. I can make a difference. I'm just learning how to.
So I am hoping to share with you my experiences, my failures and my growing experience with God, and I hope and pray that it can be an encouragement to you. I will post again soon. Sorry this is so short. Thank you for reading!
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