Hello all! It has been quite awhile since I've posted anything, but I'm hoping to write much more in the future! Since I've written last, I've gone to NYC to do ministry, I started a new relationship, finished my junior year in Bible College, gone to Peru for three weeks on a missions trip, worked with children at a Christian retreat for the summer, and became a Senior in Bible college! It has been quite the year of change and transitions, but I am excited about each and every change that has come into my life. God has been teaching me so much about being a leader and about overcoming my own fears and insecurities. It seems like when I step out of my comfort zone in one area, God brings me to a new level of discomfort. He never lets me get comfortable where I'm at. He is always pushing me to be the best I can be. I feel like I'm always being pushed outside my limits, but of course you can only become better if you are pushed beyond what you think you can do.
This year at Bible College I am an RA, which basically means I'm to watch over a group of girls and we have small group meetings once a week. It's strange to think that I'm in this new place when I remember what it was like to come in as a freshman and meet my RA. I don't feel that old yet! I feel very incapable of this job, but with every other thing this year that I felt incapable of, God has helped me! He enabled me to be what I could never be without Him. Over and over this summer when I thought I couldn't do something, and God met me in my weakness.
This past summer God really pushed me in my music. I go to a college where everyone seems to be musical, so I became very discouraged last year thinking God didn't want to use my music, but He wouldn't let me forget about it. I tried to give up at one point, but God wouldn't let me. This summer I was helping with worship team about twice a day, and God opened up doors for me in music. I started to believe I could lead worship and record music, just like I've wanted to do for so long. I was so encouraged this summer in my music. I actually got to record a song with a friend. I'm telling you this for two reasons: one, keep an eye out for my music that I might be posting on here eventually; and secondly, God will not let you forget your dreams. I love how God fought for the gifts and the dreams that He has put in my heart. He will do the same for you. Don't give up on the dreams that are in your heart. God loves to put dreams, crazy dreams in our hearts and then watch our amusement as He causes them to come to pass. Trust in Him and wait for Him to fulfill those dreams. He will, if He put those in your heart.
I will post another blog again soon! :)